Chick-fil-A Twelve Month Programs

Professional Development Track

Our Mission is to join you in Learning your Past, so that we can Name your Present in order to Create your Future.

  • 15 sessions - 90 minutes each

  • 7 leadership tools

  • 3 emotional health assessments

  • 2 books

  • 1 devotional and journal

Grow in:

  • Self Awareness -Understanding how your story shaped your leadership style

  • Present Effectiveness -Impacting your sphere of influence with strength and care

  • Leadership Capacity- Developing sustaining rhythms and focus for long-term effectiveness

Cost $7500

Marriage Enrichment Track

  • 15 shared sessions for individual and couple - 90 minutes each

  • 7 leadership tools

  • 2 journals

  • 1 custom Marriage Retreat Guide for couple’s getaway

  • 1 devotional

  • 1 marriage book

Topics include:

Conflict Style, Family dynamics, Intimacy, Play, Parenting, Work/Life Balance, Family Mission

Cost $7500

Our mission is to enhance the quality of your marriage by Learning your Past and Naming your Present so that you can Create the Future you both desire.