Our Partners
“My coach was fantastic. He built me up when I wanted to tear myself down. He affirmed when I wanted to deny. In a time of life when no one *listened,* he listened. He helped me discover parts of myself I did not know existed, and helped me walk through these discoveries with faith at the center. He rocked.”
— IJM International Field Office Fellow
"Let's face it. The transition from one culture to another is downright terrifying. It's much like those people in a circus who fly in the air, releasing one trapeze and hoping someone will meet them in the air on the other side. When life got rough abroad, my coach was that person for me. I found it difficult to quickly establish friendships with depth and that's just what I needed to process the curve balls in living abroad. My coach graciously met me on the other side; they met me with compassion, understanding, and truth -- just what I needed to transition well."
— LifeNet International Staff
"The Rest Initiative is offering a Big Missing Piece in development work. I believe in what they are doing because I know what their help meant to me in Africa for a year and then reintegration back into Western culture. The need for staff care among development workers cannot be overstated. We need staff care in order to survive mentally more than six months in the field. After that a barrier rises that causes most people to shut down, dry up, or leave. More importantly, staff care honors the God-formed souls that serve the vulnerable and hurting."
— Pioneers Short-term Expat